Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Bowl of Souls Series by: Trevor H. Cooley

This is a YA Series, but as I've said before I'm just a big kid at heart and I love to read about good triumphing over evil.
Unfortunately, if you don't have an E-Reader you won't be able to pick this one up. Mr. Cooley has had to E Publish himself. Shame on the big publishing houses for not saying yes to this author.
I never thought I would enjoy my Kindle Fire because I have been a reader of real books all my life. There's just something about opening a new book, the smell of the ink on paper, just no description for that since I'm not a writer.
The first in the series is Eye of the Moonrat, the second: Messenger of the Dark Prophet, and the third is: Hunt of the Bandham.
All the good characters are very likeable, and all the bad characters are very bad. Just the right mix to keep you rooting for the good guys throughout the series.
Mr. Cooley story has good flow which keeps you turning the pages and when you get to the end of one book you're wanting to read the next. When I got to the end of #3 I was so glad to find that he is working on #4.
If you're up for a bit of fantasy adventure this is a series you might want to check into.

Happy Reading--
Beverly G ♥

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reviewing the series, Beverly!

    Have you tried Hilt's Pride?

    Trevor H. Cooley
