Friday, January 20, 2012

Chunkster Reading Challenge

I have decided to take part in the Chunkster Reading Challenge this year. I participated in 2010, but somehow forgot to sign up last year. It's probably a good thing I didn't because of my Mom's stroke, hospital stay, and nursing home stay I didn't meet as many of my personal goals last year as I had hoped. However, she is much improved and back home so I'm going to give this challenge a go.
I've decided I'm going to sign up at The Plump Primer level, that will be 6 books with 450 or more pages, and by the way those have to be real books, no Kindle or audio books.When you click over to the Chunkster Reading Challenge blog you can read all the rules in detail. I just love Wendy and Vasilly's blog header this year.
I've become a fan of Diana Gabaldon, so with the release of The Scottish Prisoner, 534 pages I already have the 1st book on my list read. This is the latest in the Lord John Series.
As with the other challenge that I am participating in I will put the clickable blog blinkie on my side bar and create a page at the top of my blog to keep the running list of the Chunksters that I read.
This year at the Chunkster Reading Challenge they have a book club challenge that you can sign up for and they've been very helpful and given us a list of Chunkster suggestions. I took a look at that list and there are some on there that I think I might give a try.
One that caught my attention is The Mill on the Floss  by: George Eliot. I read Silas Marner in high school, so I'm familiar with George Eliot. The time frame for The Mill on the Floss is a favorite of mine.
If you are an avid reader this would be a good challenge for you to try out this year, especially if you haven't tried it out before. It's still early enough in the year that you can accomplish this goal.

Happy Reading--
Beverly G ♥

1 comment:

  1. The Chunkster Challenge looks like fun, and I may just copy your idea of The Mill on the Floss--somehow, my education skimmed over many British classics, and I know nothing about George Eliot (other than I think the author was actually a woman writing under a nom de plume, but I may even be wrong about that LOL).

    I'll be interested to see your post on that book (I'm already about to start The Scottish Prisoner, so I'll have that entry for the Chunkster Challenge too).

    Any other ideas for titles? I promise I won't copy them all LOL.
